The Israel Trip - How it Began
The first Tzohar Israel trip came about fortuitously and certainly with
"Hasgachah Pratit." Mrs Amy Guterson's father, Nahum Gordon, told Peter Neustadter, a family member and good friend, about Tzohar Seminary and encouraged him to get involved. Amy and Peter spoke, and since Tzohar is a seminary experience outside of Israel, Peter suggested a two week trip to Israel to see the land, the technology, the history, the creativity, and the art. Peter and his wife Naomi were impressed with the Tzohar students and the trip was "beyond our expectations. A creative group in a creative country- a perfect match." This year there were 26 students on the trip, accompanied by 2 madrichot, Mrs. Guterson, and Rabbi Herman and his family. Malka Touger also joined as the biblical expert and tour guide for the trip, and we are extremely grateful to her.
The trip had a huge impact on the Tzohar students who treasured every minute of it, and who have been greatly affected by the experience and the sense of possibility and purpose that they gained. For some girls, it was their first and perhaps only opportunity to come to Israel, making it deeply significant, while others were impacted in terms of the future and are choosing to return to Israel next year to work or to study.
May there be many Tzohar Israel trips to come, and may they be in the merit of Peter and Naomi and their family and in the memory of Nahum L. Gordon whose foresight, generosity and desire to bring people together made this trip as well as myriad other wonderful, enlightening events and connections happen.