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Day 14 - Sister Cities

*Karmiel *Ort Psagot High School

*Man, Nature, Society High School *Tour of Hagalil Park *Dance Presentation *Karmiel Hazamir Choir

*Dinner in Karmiel *Airport


We spent our last day in Israel visiting Pittsburgh's sister city, Karmiel. The Jewish Federation planned us a packed day of touring the city, seeing some of its schools, and meeting with its youth. We started out at the Ort Psagot High School, meeting with its first year college film class and winners of the Holocaust Arts Competition. We shared some of our films, and they shared some of theirs. Dialogue between the girls and the teachers began, and plans for a future collaboration are in the making.

I had a classic convo with a group of Israeli girls at the film school. They were asking me about America, and I’m just like, “Nooo… Israel is where it’s at!” -Esti Vogel

I am from Pittsburgh, and for years I have participated in the Holocaust Arts Competition. I always wondered about the Israeli participants so it was interesting to finally meet the students whom I had been competing against. -Noa Engle


We visited another Karmiel school, the Man, Nature and Society High School. We met with two educators (as teachers are called there), and they spoke with us about the school's unique approach and philosophy, including its focus on projects, lack of formal grades, and emphasis on student-teacher relationships.

Showing us the students' projects

Sustainable Herb Garden

It was interesting to visit a school that has the same values and vision as Tzohar. During the tour, someone actually said, “Wait, is this Tzohar?” And of all the places that this school could be, it’s located in Pittsburgh’s sister city, Karmiel. -Aliza Engle

A student speaks about her perspective


After lunch, we had a walking tour of HaGalil Park and the sculpture initiative there. Luckily, the rain let up long enough for a lovely walk. We were even able to plant a tree, despite worries about all the mud. Now that's a real Israel experience!


The day ended with a moving interpretive dance presentation by Oren Tishler, accompanied by his friend, a musician.

He also did a few exercises with us, focused on interacting with and sensing another partner, a technique and skill that he has refined and honed through working on his dance routine.

I loved the dance presentation which I perceived as the interplay between the animal soul and the G-dly soul; they were teaching each other how to work together in order to become the ultimate person. It was beautiful.

-Rochel Brekan

I’ve honestly never seen anything like it. To see music and dance collaborate in such an abstract way was so inspiring. There’s truly a message in everything. I felt the niggun [The Alter Rebbe’s Daled Bavos] more than I ever had before. -Etti Krinsky

The dance presentation by Oren Tishler and his friend was very moving. I’ve never see anything like that, and it showed me that you can be different, producing totally unusual art, and it’s beautiful. -Chana Rochel Lerner

Partner Exercise

Blind Exercise - Video


Afterwards, the Karmiel HaZamir choir sang and then invited us to sing together with them. It was surprising how many songs we knew in common!

The Karmiel Hazamir Choir - For Women Only:

Singing with the Choir - For Women Only


After the most intense and uplifting two weeks, it was time to say "shalom" to the Holy Land and head home. We took along with us all the incredible lessons and memories that we had gathered over the course of this groundbreaking trip! May it be the first of many more.

Leaving Israel was an extremely sad experience after our incredible trip. As soon as our flight took off, I felt suspended in time until we landed. As we landed in New York, I wished we could turn around and go back home to Israel! -Tamar Guterson


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