Day 12 - Tzfati Art
*Free time in Tzfat *Tel Chai Photography Museum
*Dinner in Tzfat. *Glassblowing workshop
In the morning there was free time to explore Tzfat and to check out the artist colony.

Last year when I was in seminary in Tzfat, the artist colony was one of my frequent haunts. I came down whenever I was in town on Friday to walk around by myself and to soak in the art. In other words, I went on an artist date, long before I learned about it in Creativity and the Arts with Mrs. Guterson (See The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron for more information.) It was nice to come back to the artist colony no longer as an outsider, but as a fellow artist. I took in the art with fresh eyes, armed with new a perspective, experience, and appreciation. -Noa Engle

the people in the clouds​
enveloped in a serene smog
and cashmere scarves.
they see nothing more than the restrains of their hills.
children cry
but it is a song.
and energies run through the streets at night
like the thugs in chicago
ripping realities apart.
i dont trust the clouds.
Tzfat, you give me trust issues.
-By Rosie Lipkind
We visited the Tel Chai Photography Museum. The pictures speak for themselves.

We went to the studio of a Tzfat artist, Sheva Chaya, for a glassblowing demonstration. While she blew, she spoke about her life and thoughts of Torah. Her artwork is a testimony to the natural fusion of Torah and the art, and it was inspiring as well as beautiful.

I mean, she was blowing glass while spewing Chassidus. Pretty awesome.
-Esti Vogel
It was really interesting to see how you could form something so solid and melt it down and make something so different out of it. I really want to try it!
-Batsheva Lebovic